police report

Most people who get into an accident know that they are supposed to call the cops. This is important for a few reasons, but if you plan to pursue a personal injury case what you will really want out of this interaction is the police report. When the cops arrive at the scene, they fill out their own report about the accident. It contains information that can be extremely useful to a Monmouth County car accident lawyer.

Why is a Police Report Useful?

A police report can be useful because it comes from a neutral third party. The cops can point out things like how the cars were found when they got to the scene or whether some debris or weather conditions may have contributed to the accident. These reports will also contain the contact and insurance information of other involved drivers, just in case you forgot to get that yourself. There will also be information about witnesses if there were any. They can help you with a personal injury case.

Will a Police Report Say Who is Directly Responsible for an Accident?

A police report will rarely assign blame for an accident explicitly. However, it will lay out the accident scene in a way that can make it easier for you to show that another driver involved in the crash was the person who caused it. A police report can also note if someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if another driver actually admits to blame for the accident.

When Should I Sue for Compensation?

If you get into an accident and believe that someone else is to blame, then suing for compensation should be your next step. You might receive an initial offer from an insurance company, but these first offers are rarely enough to really make up for what you’ve gone through. Our law firm can help you fight for a fair and reasonable compensation offer that can make up for:

  • Past and future medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • A loss of earning potential
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain from disability or disfigurement

Car accidents can cause serious injuries and those injuries can continue to affect a victim for years or for life. Compensation needs to be calculated with that in mind.

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help Me?

An experienced car accident attorney can do many things to assist you with your case. A lawyer from our firm can:

  • Take care of any necessary paperwork
  • Talk to witnesses and gather other useful evidence for your case
  • Remind you of important dates and deadlines
  • Answer any questions that you have
  • Talk to medical experts about your prognosis
  • Defend you from any accusations of wrongdoing

Schedule a Meeting With Our Team

If you have been injured in an accident, you do not have to pursue compensation alone. Contact Falcon Law and schedule a free consultation. We would be happy to tell you more about how our attorneys can be of assistance.