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Monmouth County Wrongful Death Lawyer

Nothing can prepare us for the agony of losing a loved one. That being said, losing a loved one is even harder when we realize that someone else’s carelessness resulted in their death. If you recently lost a close family member due to the negligence of another, you likely feel furious, heartbroken, and maybe even helpless. That said, New Jersey law provides a path for those who’ve lost their loved ones as a result of another’s negligence to get the justice they deserve. Contact a dedicated and compassionate Monmouth County wrongful death lawyer from Falcon Law Firm today to learn more about these cases and how our legal team can effectively guide you through the process.

Wrongful Death Lawyer | Here for Families of Accident Victims in NJ

Car accidents, slip or trip and fall accidents, acts of medical malpractice, and more all contribute to incidents of wrongful death. Wrongful death cases are not only complex legally, but they are also, quite obviously, emotionally fraught. If you lost a loved one, you need a New Jersey personal injury lawyer who will be there for you, every step of the way. Falcon Law Firm is here to be your number-one advocate.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in New Jersey?

Of course, when anyone loses their life, everyone close to the individual will be immensely affected. However, the only person who may file a wrongful death claim on behalf of a deceased individual is their personal representative (or executor). If the decedent died before appointing an executor in their will, the court likely will appoint one. Typically, this will either be the person’s spouse, parents, or children.

Proving Your Claim

To win a wrongful death claim, you will need to prove that your loved one was killed as a result of an act of negligence or intent. This isn’t always easy, so it’s important you hire a knowledgeable wrongful death lawyer who can effectively compile evidence on your behalf. This can include:

  • Pictures or surveillance footage
  • Medical documentation
  • Witness statements

Recovering Compensation

As long as we can satisfy the burden of proof in your wrongful death claim, you should receive compensation to help you deal with the following, among other things:

  • Medical costs incurred by your loved one prior to passing
  • The loss of companionship or guidance
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • The cost of services your loved one provided around the house, such as changing your oil or mowing the lawn
  • The cost of funeral and burial expenses
  • The cost of lost wages that your loved one would have provided

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in New Jersey is, in most cases, two years. Although you may be hesitant to delve into the legal process while understandably mourning the loss of your loved one, if you wait longer than two years, you likely be permanently barred from suing. We are here to help you whenever you’re ready.

Contact a Wrongful Death Lawyer Today

Wrongful death claims are more than a legal process; they are an emotional process as well. However, if successful, the hope is that you’ll find it even slightly easier to move forward with your life, knowing justice has been served and that you will be in a comfortable financial situation for the foreseeable future. If you have any questions or you want to get started, contact Falcon Law Firm today.

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