When you sue the state or city government, you cannot just file a lawsuit right away. If you got injured and you believe that the government or one of its employees is to blame, you must first file a notice of claim. The deadline for submitting this claim can approach quickly, which is why you should talk to a Monmouth County premises liability lawyer right away if you are considering suing.
How Long Do I Have to File a Notice of Claim?
You may have up to 90 days to file your notice of claim depending on which government you are suing. Some local governments have even stricter deadlines though. You may need to have your claim submitted in as little as 30 days!
This is why it’s a good idea to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney from our firm can tell you about any important deadlines and help you submit your notice of claim in a timely manner. Then you can wait for the government’s response and your chance to sue for compensation.
What Kinds of Damages Can I Sue For After Filing a Notice of Claim?
A case against the government works a little differently than the typical personal injury case. When you sue the government you can usually only recover specific damages, ones that are easily quantifiable. This can include:
- The cost of hospital bills
- Lost wages
- The cost of rehabilitation and future medical expenses
In many personal injury cases, you can sue for pain and suffering. If you sue a public entity in New Jersey, you can generally only seek these damages if you have a serious injury, like one that caused disfigurement or a disability. The cost of your medical treatments also has to reach a certain threshold.
What Kinds of Cases Require a Notice of Claim?
You can sue the government and submit a notice of claim over many kinds of accidents. Some good examples of potential cases include:
- Accidents involving government vehicles
- Falls on government property
- Police chases that cause injuries to bystanders
- Public transit accidents
- Negligence of lifeguards at public pools
- Negligence of school employees
- Negligence of any other public employee
Do I Need a Lawyer?
You are not required to hire a lawyer, but an experienced personal injury attorney can be helpful in this difficult time. A lawyer from our firm can make sure that you do not miss any important deadlines and that your notice of claim is properly filled out and filed. Then they can help you negotiate for a fair compensation offer. Proving negligence and dealing with the government on your own is tough. Let us assist you.
Ask About Our Case Consultations
If you have been hurt on government property, you may have legal options. Contact Falcon Law Firm and ask to schedule a free case consultation. We can tell you more about how our lawyers can help you secure compensation.