According to a study by Lytx, a driver has a higher likelihood of rear-ending a vehicle in front of them when they are following less than two seconds behind them. This behavior is called tailgating, and it is incredibly dangerous. Tailgating often leads to rear-end accidents that can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities. A victim of a tailgating accident should contact a lawyer to help recover damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, and vehicular damage.
What are Common Injuries Caused by Tailgating?
Car accident victims often face a variety of injuries due to the nature of tailgating. One of the most common injuries from a tailgating accident is whiplash. Whiplash is a neck injury that is caused when the head jolts back and forward quickly, which often happens in rear-end accidents. This can lead to injured discs, neck joints, and lower back injuries.
Rear-end accidents can also lead to other serious injuries, like brain injuries. This can happen if the driver’s head strikes an object during the crash, leading to damage. A victim can also sustain injuries in their hips and legs, including knee strains, sprains, and tendon damage.
How can I Prevent Tailgating?
One important tip is to stay patient while driving. Most drivers who tailgate do so because they believe the driver in front of them is driving slowly. This can lead them to drive faster than the person in front of them. This is not a solution since it is dangerous and can easily lead to road rage.
To prevent tailgating, drivers should employ the two-second rule. This rule indicates that a driver should always follow at least two seconds behind the driver in front of them. To try this, a driver should pick a stationary object on the side of the road. They should make sure that there are two seconds in between them and the car in front of them. This rule should be adjusted to four seconds in wet or dangerous weather.
What Should I Do After a Tailgating Accident?
Immediately after an accident, the victim should first contact a medical professional to assess any injuries. If the injuries are not too severe, they should also take photographs of the crash scene and call the police. The police will make a report of what occurred, which can help the victim when filing a personal injury lawsuit. It is crucial to gather as much evidence as possible.
Also, the victim should contact a lawyer to help them with their claim. Drivers who tailgate choose to drive recklessly and ignore their duty of care to others. If their reckless choices led to a victim’s injuries or death, they can be held liable. A lawyer can help a victim navigate the legal challenges.
Oakhurst Car Accident Lawyers at the Falcon Law Firm, LLC Advocate for Car Accident Victims Injured in Tailgating Accidents
If you were recently hurt in a tailgating car accident, one of our Oakhurst car accident lawyers at the Falcon Law Firm, LLC can help. Contact us online or call us at 732-454-3306 for a free consultation.