patient at checkup

A recent study on distracted driving showed that almost 30 percent of respondents have texted while driving, joined video chats, or responded to emails while behind the wheel. Almost 57 percent of those taking the survey said they eat or drink while driving, and nearly nine percent said they feel as though they have no choice but to respond to text messages immediately. It is important to learn about the dangers of distracted driving, and take safety seriously. Distracted driving can lead to serious injuries or even fatalities.

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving involves any activity that takes your eyes off the road. These examples of distracted driving might shock you if you participate in these activities:

  • Texting and driving
  • Checking or responding to emails while driving
  • Checking a map or directions while driving
  • Eating or drinking while driving
  • Turning around to manage your children while driving
  • Talking with your hands and driving
  • Driving aggressively or battling with another driver

If you have done any of these actions, you have been distracted behind the wheel. Admittedly, most people have done at least one of these activities before. As drivers, we should take our safety seriously. Fortunately, you can unlearn your driving habits by practicing safe driving consistently.

How Can You Avoid Distracted Driving?

When you get behind the wheel, you should try these safety tips to avoid distracted driving:

  • Set the “do not disturb” feature on your phone to hold back all calls, send automatic text replies, and even email replies. The reply can tell the recipient that you are behind the wheel and you will get back to them soon.
  • Wait to eat or drink until the next time you stop.
  • Set up your directions or satellite navigation to play through your vehicle’s stereo or your phone’s speaker.
  • Ask your children to focus on electronics, toys, or a movie while in the car.
  • Pull over if there is a serious issue among the passengers in the car.
  • Allow aggressive drivers to pass.
  • Identify aggressive drivers, slow down, and stay away from them.
  • Try to relax and breathe through your tension if you are frustrated by another driver or heavy traffic.

You must create an environment in your vehicle that is distraction-free, and you must let your passengers know that you want to focus on the road. While you want your passengers to be comfortable, you should be careful if your passengers fall asleep on long trips. People who are sleeping around you might make you feel more tired.

What Are More Issues with Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving may not result in a car accident, but you might put yourself in a precarious situation that is uncomfortable, embarrassing, or dangerous, such as being pulled over because a police officer believes you are intoxicated or missing an exit or road you must take.

All forms of distracted driving should be avoided. You and your passengers could be in grave danger if distracted driving causes a major car accident. If you have injuries that were caused by a car accident, you may be able to obtain compensation.

Monmouth County Car Accident Lawyers at the Falcon Law Firm, LLC Help Accident Victims Injured by Distracted Drivers

Reach out to one of our Monmouth County car accident lawyers at the Falcon Law Firm, LLC if you have car-related injuries. Call us at 732-454-3306 or contact us online for a free consultation.