If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, it can be a traumatic experience. In the immediate aftermath, you may still be in shock, making it difficult to remember what steps you should take to protect your legal rights. Without realizing it, many accident victims make mistakes that hinder their ability to recover the compensation they’re entitled to for the damages they’ve incurred. Knowing what steps you should take and what not to do after an accident is imperative. Ensuring you do not make common mistakes will maximize your chances of recovering monetary compensation for your economic and non-economic damages. If you or someone you love has been injured in an auto accident, contact an experienced Monmouth County Auto Accident Lawyer who can help you fight for the total and fair compensation you deserve. Please continue reading to learn what mistakes to avoid after an auto accident to ensure you safeguard your legal rights.
What are the most common mistakes accident victims make after an auto accident?
Following an auto accident, how you react to the situation can impact whether you can receive reasonable compensation for your damages. As such, it’s vital to know common mistakes to avoid that could prevent you from collecting the fair compensation you deserve for your injuries. One of the biggest mistakes accident victims make after an accident is failing to call the police. After an accident, you must contact the police. The police will gather valuable evidence that can help you establish fault. For example, if the other party violated a traffic law, such as running a red light, which caused the accident, they may be issued a traffic ticket. In such cases, this can help you prove they’re at fault for the accident.
Another huge mistake accident victims make is refusing or delaying medical care. Even if you do not think you are hurt, it is imperative to have your injuries examined by a medical professional, as some accident-related injuries may not be evident for days after a collision. However, a medical professional can identify potential issues before they become symptomatic, ensuring a speedy recovery. If you deny medical care at the accident scene, the insurance company may argue that you are not injured as you did not require medical treatment, giving them causation to deny your claim. They could also claim that you contributed to the severity of your injuries by delaying medical care, as it is the victim’s responsibility to mitigate further damage to ensure a speedy recovery. Therefore, the insurance company can claim that you bear a degree of fault for the cause of your injuries.
What happens if I wait too long to file my claim?
New Jersey has a strict time limit for filing a claim after an auto accident. You will relinquish your right to pursue legal action if you miss the deadline. Essentially, it will result in the absolute bar of recovery. Accident victims typically have three years from the accident date to file their claim. However, many accident victims make the mistake of waiting too long to file their case.
Nevertheless, the most significant mistake accident victims make is not retaining the legal services of a seasoned lawyer who can help them investigate the circumstances of the collision and assist in collecting pertinent evidence that can prove the other party’s negligence. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact Falcon Law Firm, who can help you negotiate a fair settlement.