premises liability claims

When you fall or get injured on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to compensation. These are called premises liability claims, and they can be a great way to hold a negligent property owner accountable. You cannot wait forever to file a lawsuit if you get hurt on someone else’s land though. This is because of the statute of limitations, and this is why you should meet with a Monmouth County premises liability lawyer as soon as possible.

Is There a Time Limit for Premises Liability Claims?

There is a time limit for filing premises liability claims, and it’s two years in most cases. There are the occasional exceptions, like cases where the victim was a minor, but two years is often the limit here in New Jersey.

This rule changes if you file a claim against the government though. If you were hurt on public property, you may be able to sue but you will have to submit a claim notifying the government of your intent first. This must be done within 90 days.

What Can Be Considered Premises Liability Claims?

There are a variety of reasons to submit premises liability claims. Our law firm has dealt with all kinds of suits, including ones that involve:

  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Dog bites
  • Fire
  • Toxic exposure
  • Ceiling collapse
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Elevator and escalator accidents

What you have to do in cases like these is draw a clear link between the negligence of a property owner, the hazard, and the plaintiff’s injury. So in your case we would have to show that the property owner knew about the hazard that hurt you, but they did nothing to protect guests on their property from that hazard.

What Kind of Compensation Can Be Awarded in a Premises Liability Case?

People who make successful premises liability claims can expect to win compensation that makes up for their expenses as well as the psychological trauma they experienced as a result of their accident. A lawyer from our firm can help you fight for a settlement that recompenses for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Pain from disability or disfigurement
  • Mental anguish

Do I Need an Attorney?

You are not required to hire an attorney when you make a claim, but you should seriously consider it. Proving the negligence of someone else is quite difficult. Our lawyers have experience trying cases like yours and playing hardball with insurers who don’t want to give out fair settlements. We’re ready to advocate for you.

Talk To a Personal Injury Lawyer

So if you think that you have a valid premises liability claim, contact Falcon Law Firm. The first consultation is free, and it’s a great way to learn more about your legal options. We are ready to help you fight for the compensation that you deserve.