If you get hurt in a parking garage through no fault of your own, it may be difficult to figure out what to do next. Who exactly is responsible for your injuries? Can you sue for compensation if a parking garage is publicly owned? A Monmouth County parking lot accident lawyer can help you answer those questions and fight for the compensation that you deserve.
What Are Some Common Hazards in a Parking Garage?
A parking garage can be home to many potential hazards, especially when upkeep isn’t the owner’s priority. Some common dangers include:
- Poor lighting
- Structural defects, like potholes
- Malfunctioning security gates
- Elevator or escalator malfunctions
- Slippery surfaces
- Vehicles
What Should I Do After Getting Hurt in a Parking Garage?
After you get hurt, you should take whatever steps you can to protect yourself and build up a potential personal injury case. We recommend:
- Taking pictures of the hazard that caused your injury
- Reporting your injury to the parking garage owner
- Calling the police so that they can make a report, especially if cars are involved
- Getting contact information for any witnesses who saw you get injured
- Seeking out medical care as soon as possible
Who Can I Sue After Getting Injured in a Garage?
A case like this can get tricky. In some cases, there could be multiple liable parties. In others, the owner of the parking garage is a public entity and suing public entities can come with its own additional complications.
An experienced personal injury lawyer can evaluate your case and help you figure out who should be held liable for your injuries. Whether you have one negligent party or multiple parties to blame, a lawyer from our firm is ready to fight for you.
How Long Do I Have to Sue For Damages?
New Jersey gives accident victims two years to sue for damages after getting injured. This can seem like a lot of time, but we recommend acting as quickly as possible. When you contact a lawyer right away, you don’t have to worry about your case being thrown out because the statute of limitations expired. Acting quickly also makes it easier for your lawyer to track down any witnesses and secure potentially valuable evidence, like surveillance footage.
Will I Have to Go to Trial?
You probably won’t have to go to trial if you are injured by a vehicle or fall in a parking garage. Many cases like this settle before that point is reached. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer can advise you about whether or not it might be worthwhile to take your case to trial and fight for a more favorable verdict.
Ask About Our Free Case Consultations
So if you were injured in a parking garage accident, don’t try and pursue compensation on your own. Contact Falcon Law Firm and ask to schedule a free case consultation. We can tell you more about your legal options and what our team can do to help you.